Bechukotai (Leviticus 26, 3 – 27, 34) – the silence of the Hebrew Bible regarding life after death

The Torah reading of Bechukotai contains two distinct parts and there is seemingly no relation between the parts. The first part, chapter 26, is blessings and curses promising material reward…

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2 Behar (Leviticus 25, 1 – 26, 2) – “What has the matter of the Sabbatical year to do with mount Sinai?”

The Torah reading of Behar opens with a seemingly innocent statement in relation to the subject of the Sabbatical year but which demands explanation - “And the Lord spoke unto…

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Who is a “Kosher” Jew? Maimonides’ “13 Principles of Faith” as a Binding Orthodox and Theological Dogma

I want to respond to the article by Rabbi Professor Joshua Berman “Orthodox Rabbinic Exception to the Thirteen Principles of Faith: The Dynamics of Boundary Permeability”. My response here, which…

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